Plugin cakephp-codesniffer

CodeSniffer is used in the terminal and is a way to check that files follow code conventions. In our case, we follow the PSR-4 recommandations and CakePHP coding standards.

You can now add the plugin cakephp-codesniffer to the composer.json of your project like this:

php composer.phar require cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer
bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths vendor/cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer

This will also add a symlink to phpcs in bin/ directory.

To use it, do this at the root of your website in your terminal : ./bin/phpcs --standard=CakePHP path/to/code/to/check

Example to check a plugin : ./bin/phpcs --standard=CakePHP plugins/PluginName


PHPUnit, a member of the xUnit family of testing frameworks, provides an easy-to-use framework for testing and analyzing your PHP applications.

It is now installed in each project in dev mode Just add the package in your composer.json's require-dev

Usage : ./bin/phpunit Will launch every test defined in phpunit.xml.dist

Code Coverage

PHPUnit will generate a set of static HTML files containing the coverage results. You can generate coverage for a test case by doing the following:

./bin/phpunit --coverage-html webroot/coverage tests/TestCase/Model/Table/ArticlesTableTest

Go in to http://localhost/your_app/coverage to see the results


You can use directly ApiGen in your projects to generate a complete html website with your Api.


composer require apigen/apigen --dev


The config file apigen.neon is written in neon format and is at the root of your project (or create it). Remove the brackets if they exist. Example:

  - src

destination: api
  - php

  - tests/
  - vendor/
  - *Factory.php

  - * <mask>```

  - Nette

  - UTF-8

main: Project
title: Project API
templateTheme: bootstrap
groups: auto
  - classes
  - constants
  - functions
  - methods
  - properties
  - classconstants

  - public
  - protected

internal: false
php: true
tree: true
deprecated: false
todo: false
download: false

Generate Api

php vendor/bin/apigen generate